Jericho Ridge’s Policy for Donations
Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the organization. Each restricted contribution designated towards such an approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed most as directed by the board.
From time to time, the Board of Elders will approve the giving toward a project that falls outside of the general operating budget. This is usually done in response to a cost that was not anticipated (such as disaster relief) or a short-term missions project.
There are currently two elder-approved projects that you can give toward:
- Facilities Fund (our capital campaign to raise money for our building)
- Benevolence Fund (this is an ongoing project)
For instructions on how to contribute to an elder-approved project, please read the response in the FAQ above.
All personal information that is collected will be kept private and confidential. Access to this information is severely restricted in accordance with privacy laws and financial policies commensurate with the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC). If you require additional information, please contact Constance in our office.
If you want to change the amount, a new authorization form will need to be signed and submitted to the JRCC office. Please submit this form at least two weeks before your next scheduled withdrawal. If you anticipate that you will want to change the amount of your monthly giving more frequently than twice a year, please consider an alternative giving option. It will provide less work for everyone.
Jericho Ridge Community Church is an approved charity with the Canadian Revenue Agency and therefore files an annual report to maintain our charitable status. In addition, our membership votes on and approves the operational budget in advance of every calendar year. If you have questions regarding the financial operation of JRCC, we welcome an opportunity to interact with you. Please contact
, our financial administrator.