About Us

It can be hard to get to know someone online but we feel our heart can be expressed in three succinct little phrases:

At Jericho Ridge, we are a group of REAL PEOPLE, who are committed to experiencing a REAL FAITH in God that touches every aspect of REAL LIFE.

This can best be understood by exploring 


"Cultivating disciples of Jesus who embody God's love everywhere we go"

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Our History 

In the spring of 2005 a group of dedicated men and women came together with a bold vision to plant a community church in the rapidly growing area of Willoughby in Langley, B.C. Check out this video to learn more about our story! 

Our Core Values

Each local church has a unique sense of calling, passion, and expression of the Kingdom of God. Here at Jericho Ridge, we have sensed since our inception in 2005 that God has a unique calling for us in the community of Willoughby and beyond. This flows out of and is expressed by our five core values.

We allow God's Spirit and Word to change us.

God’s character and His Word shape our thinking and behaviour. Biblical Truth is taught in our homes and church in such a way that it leads to holistic growth. We are committed to depth and maturity in our faith, fully aware of our need for grace in our spiritual apprenticeship. We desire to work out our faith in all aspects of our personal lives – intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual – in order to transform our world as we are transformed.   

Scriptures: John 16:13, 17:17; 2 Peter 1:5-7; 2 Peter 3:18

We give each other permission not to pretend.

God exists in community and models for us what it means to be both vitally connected with Him and interdependent with one another. We desire relationships with one another that are transparent, supportive, encouraging and rooted in a desire to love as we have been loved by God.      

Scriptures: Acts 2:42-47; 1 John 4:19

We love others globally and locally.

We desire to love and serve one another and our world. We envision the people of JRCC investing in the lives of people who are far from God – both locally and globally – and thinking and acting as a part of the global community of faith. We believe that joyful service is an important part of holistic growth in following Jesus. We walk in obedience to God, actively looking for opportunities to use our time, talents and treasures for Kingdom growth and impact. 

Scriptures: Matt 28:18; Mark 10:45; John 3:16; Rom 12:6-8

We Are Radical Stewards of god's gifts to us.

We commit to living as faithful stewards, willing to cheerfully share what we have with others. We listen to and depend on God in every circumstance with a humble spirit of gratitude. Generosity touches all aspects of our lives: our friendships, our service, our time, our gifts and abilities, and our material resources.

Scriptures: Deut 15:10; Prov 11:25; 1 Tim 6:18


Worship is the conscious submission to and adoration of the Creator. It is the humble everyday expression of every part of our lives to Jesus. We desire – individually and corporately – to express and experience this with a level of intentionality, creativity, cultural relevance, and passion. As we worship, we experience the life-changing power of Jesus Christ and are empowered by the Spirit to respond as God wills.

Scriptures: Psalms 29:2; John 4:24; Rom 12:1-2