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Elder's Transitional Merger Meeting Update

by Wally Nickel on November 05, 2024

At our most recent Transitional meeting on Monday, Nov. 4th our congregation met together with leaders from North Langley Community Church. As JRCC elders, we continue to move with confident hope in believing that God is inviting Jericho Ridge toward a missional merger in the form of a rebirth model with NLCC. To this end, Pastor Matthew Price, Pastor Jon Reesor, and Worship Ministry Leader Tasha Nickel were invited to come and share a NLCC perspective of this vision and potential merger. We were able to hear the heart of NLCC toward Jericho Ridge and the mission and vision of NLCC for reaching people in the Willowbrook/Clayton communities. It was a positive step in forming a relationship that we trust will take us from an "us" and "them" posture to a "we" posture as both congregations discern and pursue God's kingdom vision of reaching the community around Jericho Centre with the Gospel of Jesus. 

Coming out of yesterday's meeting we want to provide you with several important items to use in your prayer and discernment time. The first is for anyone who was not able to be at the meeting. We recorded the meeting and can provide you with a link for the audio of the meeting (our apologies that the video recording of the meeting is not available due to technical difficulties). If you would like a link to the audio of the meeting, please email our Digital Content Director, Danny Nicolle at  and he will send you the link.

Second, at the meeting we also handed out copies of our joint JRCC/NLCC Merger FAQs. These are questions that many are asking in both congregations and our answers are current to date with the information we have at this stage in the process. Hard copies are also available on Sunday mornings at the Welcome Centre. 

Third, a reminder that at our upcoming AGM Vision Night on Sunday, Nov. 17th at 6 PM at Jericho Centre, we will be voting in principal on the vision to pursue a missional merger with NLCC. We strongly encourage all JRCC members and attendees to participate in our upcoming AGM. In preparation, please read through our AGM Packet. Hard copies are also available on Sunday mornings at the Welcome Centre.

Lastly, we again offer a helpful resource in the book, “Better Together” (Revised & Expanded Version). Feel free to purchase your own copy or stop by the office and pick up a free copy. This book is both informational and inspirational regarding the “why” and “how” as God calls churches into a merger.

Should you have any questions or want to chat, please connect with our elders at   or  


Pastor Wally on behalf of the Jericho Elders

UPDATE (Nov 18): At our November 17, 2024, Vision Night, the members of Jericho Ridge Community Church overwhelmingly approved to missionally merge with North Langley Community Church in 2025.

Tags: faqs, q&a, merger, north langley community church, vision, update

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